There are additional risks in the ground to those working in civil infrastructure, beyond making contact with and potentially damaging assets. Contaminated lands exist right across Australia, and asset owners have increasing requirements to manage the risks and deliver a Duty of Care to protect workers from potential exposure to hazardous materials.
Contaminated Land Compliance and Reporting enables contractors to automatically identify excavation risks near or within known contaminated land sites and present considerable time savings to clients.
This automation solution can be used for all types of environmentally sensitive sites such as:
X-Info Suite uses information from the clients’ Before You Dig (BYD) automated response system to automatically identify excavation risks near or within known contaminated land sites. Once identified, the BYD enquirer automatically receives an email confirming they are within the buffer for a known contaminated land site and provided a detailed site plan, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Site Audit Statement (SAS) within just a few minutes of them lodging their Before You Dig enquiry. This ensures enquirers are acting in accordance with the asset owner’s contaminated land requirements, thereby lowering the risk of hazards to workers and mitigating the risk of further contamination or hazard displacement.