X-Info Plans Management is a web based app that automates the collation of your incoming BYD responses.
With X-Info Plans Management, you simply lodge your enquiries with BYD, then receive a single notification to let you know all responses are ready for viewing through the X-Info Plans Management app where your staff can access all maps, documents and associated communications. This means you no longer have to keep checking your email to see if all asset owners have responded yet.
You can even check the details and status of each job in the app on any device at any time – even before the final responses are in.
X-Info Plans Management provides a seamless workflow for BYD enquirers to automatically collate utility responses from each enquiry into a single repository. Once a BYD enquiry is lodged, the system automatically creates a job folder for each enquiry and collates various responses from asset owners into a single job file. Users can easily track the status of each asset owners’ response via the app. When all responses are received, the system will notify the nominated user/s via email or SMS so they can easily download the files.
Throughout the process, records of communications, contacts, procedures, documents and mapping can be recorded against each job, providing a solid audit trail of information.
Users can also log into the app at any time to review results of an enquiry – including partially completed responses.
X-Info Plans Management can also be further configured to align to – and optimise – your existing business processes.