Category Archives: Autumn 2019

Bringing  together data, systems and people

Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, occurs when an organization uses its own product.This can be a way for an organization to test its products in real-world usage. Hence dogfooding can act as quality control, and eventually a kind of testimonial advertising. Once in the market, dogfooding demonstrates confidence in the developers’ own products.


From marketing and sales, to solutions, to support, to products, to admin, to the board, everyone at Mipela truly believe that using the X-Info suite makes them more productive, their work more enjoyable, and their workdays less stressful by connecting our data, systems and people. What is fascinating about the latest release of X-Info WebConnect business process software, we believe that the web browser based Activities are allowing Mipela to:

  • Encourage fact-based, decision making
  • Empower individuals and teams to be inter-dependent
  • Encourage productive use of valuable time and our resources
  • Increase trust, accountability, and visibility of completing our daily tasks
  • Create a good feedback loop of where we are at, so we can look to continuously improve

This also allows us to test the latest versions of our products in real life usage to validate before it’s released, enabling proactive resolution of potential inconsistency or dependency issues, which is a humbling process.

There’s no watering down the importance of DBYD responses at Allwater

Allwater operates and maintains metropolitan Adelaide’s water, wastewater and recycled water systems for SA Water under a joint venture contract. SA Water and Allwater work closely together, collaborating on strategy and sharing skills and expertise to manage water services across metropolitan Adelaide. In conjunction with SA Water, Allwater is committed to supplying excellent and affordable water services to Adelaide metropolitan customers.

In late 2018 Allwater chose Mipela’s X-Info Plans Management software to provide their field crews and their client, SA Water, with a tool to automate the collation of all DBYD inquiry responses into a single repository.

For both Allwater and SA Water this meant:

  • Transparency of responses across crews
  • Improves compliance
  • Reduces time of skilled staff doing repetitive administration work
  • Ease of use for across office and field staff
  • Reduces project planning risk
  • Access to necessary data to allow planning by a wider group

The Mipela Implementations team rolled out X-Info Plans Management swiftly and with simple training, allowing Allwater to start using the software immediately.

IT Manager, Don Taylor said, “The team still lodge their enquiries with DBYD as they have in the past, but now receive a single notification to let them know all responses are ready for viewing through the X-Info Plans Management portal, where they can access all responses, maps, documents and associated communications. They can even check the details and status of each job in the portal on any device at any time – even before the final responses are in. It also allows other people to access the same data. This saves time and confusion for the planning and dispatch teams.”

With X-Info Plans Management, Allwater saves precious time collating hundreds of response emails each day, eliminating possible errors caused by human intervention and significantly reducing the processing time for each DBYD enquiry.

Tanami Gas Pipeline data integrity and materials traceability

Sentanil System’s Construction Management System (CMS) was a key tool used in the management of the pipeline Quality Assurance and Quality Control requirements of the recently completed 440 km Tanami Gas Pipeline in Northern Territory.

Newmont Mining Corporation engaged Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) to build a gas pipeline to supply gas to its Granites and DBS mines, approximately 550km north-west of Alice Springs. This 440km pipeline follows the alignment of the Tanami Road, passing through a mix of pastoral land, Aboriginal freehold land and Crown land to connect the existing Amadeus Gas Pipeline to Newmont’s Tanami gold mines. It provides Newmont with the ability to use cost effective, reliable and cleaner gas fired power generation in place of existing diesel power generation.

AGIG contracted MPC Kinetic to construct the pipeline, which commenced early in June 2018, and was essentially completed by the end of December 2018. MPC Kinetic engaged Sentanil Systems for the use of the CMS system and associated support for the pipeline construction.

It was a challenging project due to the remoteness, associated limited communications infrastructure and the fast pace of construction. Two mainline crews working simultaneously usually a few hundred kilometres apart and the stringent MDR validation requirements following each hydro test section. Hence it was important to collect the right and relevant data in the field by the inspectors on the intelligent handheld data or scan units, using our data capture program. The program has recently been enhanced to enable intelligent lookups based on other linked lookups (eg. electrode batches and welding procedures) and also provides the ability of GPS data capture at the same time, if required.

Key QA/QC activities and statistics

CMS was also used extensively to produce many of the MDR report requirements, which were subject to extensive third party validation immediately following completion of the 8 hydro test sections. CMS was used to produce the weekly progress ‘Rainbow’ charts.

The CMS project data has been integrated with the survey and other locational related data, and uploaded into AGIG’s corporate X-Info Suite, GIS, Land Management, DBYD and AS2885 systems to provide ongoing support for the operations and maintenance phase of the pipeline.

Sentanil would like to thank AGIG and MPC Kinetic for their valued support during all phases of this very successful project.

Sentanil is one of Mipela’s sister companies.

Incident management and risk analysis of Australasia’s pipelines

The protection of valuable pipeline assets weighs heavily on the minds of both asset owners and operators. The costs associated with damaged or inoperable assets can run into the millions of dollars in material, labour and lost revenue costs, along with impacts on health and wellbeing.

In 2014, Mipela implemented X-Info Connect for the APGA (Australian Petroleum and Gas Association’s) POG (Pipeline Operators Group) to capture the necessary information needed to analyse and inform operators about pipeline incident trends, including data relevant to AS2885. With a web enabled interface (X-Info WebConnect), operators are able to securely log in via an Internet browser and record incident or near miss data with relative ease.

Pipeline owners and operators need to record and analyse information about pipeline incidents in order to understand how they can better protect assets and prevent these incidents from occurring.

A recent upgrade of X-Info WebConnect to version 5.1 has enabled the Activities function to simplify use of the system. This way a user sees only what they need to see in order to perform their tasks. Users can now create an event, find an existing event and look up incident history by case with data going back to 1965.

Steve Dobbie, Business Manager at APGA said, “Over time, this data can be used to detect the existence of spatial patterns in the occurrence of incidents, enabling operators to undertake risk mitigation strategies. The more operators that contribute to the database, the more meaningful the data becomes”.

A word from the Boss
Taking mobile data capture to another level
In Focus
Kamapim update
#projectMAD 2024 wrap up – Brissie to Bay ride
Staff update
The importance of Multi-Factor Authentication
Product Update – X-Info Aware
A word from the Boss
Effective land management across the Gas Pipeline Victoria
It’s the stuff you don’t see that’s keeping you safe
x-infocus tips and tricks
Ampol joins our Client Community!
#projectMAD Special Invitation (14th Year) – RideWithUs!
Staff profile
I’m in a pickle
A Word from The Boss
Mipela are Proud to Protect Qeno’s Botany Assets using the Power of X-Info Assurance suite
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Product Update
Staff Updates
Ensuring Smoother User Management: Your Collaboration can Expedite the Process
SA Power Networks – Committed to Ensuring Security
‘Tis the Season
A Word From The Boss
Our cloudy outlook has never looked so rosy
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Product update
Let us in!
Staff update
Providing you that extra level of assurance
Do you have reporting fatigue?
Mipela has invaded New Zealand!
A Word From The Boss
Focus on the complex, the urgent and the sensitive
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Making light work of Safety Management Studies
Safeguarding access and data integrity – the significance of using personal credentials to log onto software
A Word from the Boss
Reporting Stakeholder Information to the Regulators
Global Excavation Safety Conference awards Australia’s Glen “Cookie” Cook as the World’s Damage Prevention Hero of the Year 2022
Adding extra assurance to your BYD automated response system
A word from The Boss
APGA POG Incident database
What integration with SPEAR means to Jemena
Sentanil product focus
A word from The Boss
A truly epic project
The true power of data automation for Jemena
Update on our process improvement Kamapim Project
A word from The Boss
Tweed Shire Council using technology to deliver value to ratepayers
Women in Pipelines Forum (APGA)
A word from the Boss
Using software to safely plant trees
How mapping retirement homes helps LendLease manage its 14,000 dwellings
Utilising Map Activities
When it rains it pours
A word from The Boss
Stakeholder management and a global wind energy company
ERA Water automates its asset protection with X-Info DBYD suite
A word from the Boss
ARTC implements X-Info DBYD suite as their automated response system
Beware the Spreadsheet
If you are breaking ground out in the field – we have you covered!
A word from the boss
When community focus is key to the success of your project
How Gladstone Area Water Board saves time processing permits using X-Info DBYD suite
Mipela delivers more efficiencies to APA Group
Helping protect Queensland assets is at the tip of your fingers
Responsive engagement, requires intuitive interactions
Managing Cultural Heritage across Barada Barna land
“The Power of Communication” – see your world from a new perspective
Ever wondered how TransLink manage their Bus Stops?
Managing contaminated land compliance
APGA moves Pipeline Engineers Competency System (PECS) to a a new platform
“Doing the right thing”
Systematising pipeline risk management
The APGA Knowledgebase has moved to a new platform
These are challenging times
Experience really counts when it comes to stakeholder management
City of Greater Dandenong implements DBYD automated response system
Some days are great, some days are good, some days are bad
Stakeholder management – the answer is blowing in the wind
Flavour of the month – renewable energy projects
3 proven ways to empower technology
Automation in Remote Regions Delivers Multiple Benefits to Council
Powering through South Australia
Bringing  together data, systems and people
There’s no watering down the importance of DBYD responses at Allwater
Tanami Gas Pipeline data integrity and materials traceability
Incident management and risk analysis of Australasia’s pipelines
Greater Shepparton City Council moves to X-Info DBYD suite
What is X-Info SMS suite?
Putting your pipeline Safety Management Study information in one place
Making Lodging DBYDs Easier
Drawing in the Power of Collaboration
Desktop GIS Analysis for Preliminary Route Selection
X-Info DBYD suite Perfect Fit for ATOM
First Gas Land Management
Managing Your Information
Managing Your Information – from beginning to end
The importance of data across the life of your assets
Mipela assist Luminous Energy in planning solar farms in Queensland
Tasmanian Irrigation
The Value of X-Info Plans Management – Zinfra
Together, we grow
X-Info Plans Management
Real time data capture and reporting in remote field environment made possible with X-Info Aware
X-Info SMS suite – Safety Management Study
Property Information Service made easy
Your competitive advantage in field service management
Remote field task management and data capture providing results for real time consumption for Veolia
TGP optimises their field workforce with mobile data capture app
More than just maps… How do we add value to your GIS?
Working together as a team towards greater success
Automated back end processes provides Gladstone Area Water Board with improved responsiveness for issuing of permits
Four steps for effective business process improvement
Field Data Conversation Efficiency
Treasure your data?
New, bold, brilliant – X-Info Aware
SEA Gas improves efficiency of land management
Reach your business potential with X-Info Aware
Perfect match: X-Info Connect and Maintenance Connection