Tag Archives: X-Info Connect

x-infocus tips and tricks

Digital cadastral database (DCDB) data updates and managing parcels in X-Info Connect Stakeholder and Landholder Management connections

It’s important to review and update parcel data within Stakeholder or Landholder Management systems to ensure that you’ve got the most recent parcel updates or new parcels from subdivisions.

Q1: How regularly do you recommend completing a DCDB parcel update?

A1: Ultimately the frequency is up to you and if you’re able to get the data, how frequently it’s received. If we’re completing the DCDB update for you, we’d recommend every 6 – 12 months. If you’re providing the data to be updated, we can set up an update process and run it as frequently as every two weeks.

Q2: We don’t have the resources to complete a review and update of the current parcels in X-Info Connect, can Mipela help?

A2: Whether it be updating parcels you have identified to upload, or completing a full DCDB update where we review the current DCDB data against your assets and update, the Support Team at Mipela can assist.

Q3: I don’t have a specific buffer for parcels I’d like uploaded into X-Info Connect, can we review spatially against an asset to see what needs to be imported?

A3: Mipela’s Support team can prepare a list of properties to review spatially against your asset/s to see what’s currently in X-Info Connect and what needs to be added.

If you would like further information or assistance in completing a parcel update, please contact the Mipela Support Team at support@mipela.com.au.

Product Update

Exciting News: X-Info Connect version 8 – Elevating Solutions and Experiences

We’re thrilled to share a sneak peek into the future as we embark on the development journey of X-Info Connect 8!

Our aim is to empower clients with seamless workflows, facilitating connections and the exchange of information. Anticipated for release in late 2024, this new version promises to be a game changer, offering innovative solutions to meet your evolving needs.

The development of X-Info Connect 8 is already in full swing, with our dedicated Products Team gearing up for an intense year ahead. Here’s a glimpse into what you can expect from this upcoming release:

Enhanced Performance: X-Info Connect 8 is designed to deliver superior performance, ensuring a smoother and more efficient user experience

Optimised Data Storage: We’re committed to maximising the efficiency of data storage, making it more streamlined and effective

Dynamic Integration: Enjoy a new level of flexibility with dynamic integration capabilities that adapt to your evolving requirements

Flexible Database and Process Design: X-Info Connect 8 will offer enhanced flexibility in both database and process design, providing you with solutions tailored to your specific needs

Advanced Security: Security is paramount! X-Info Connect 8 will feature enhanced measures to safeguard your data, ensuring a secure and worry free experience.

These improvements will be packaged in a modern application that leverages current technology trends. This represents a significant transformation in the architecture and will also allow for a seamless migration.

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress through the development stages of X-Info Connect 8. We are committed to delivering a product that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Reporting Stakeholder Information to the Regulators

Beach Energy is an ASX listed, oil and natural gas, exploration and production company headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia. Founded in 1961, Beach have operated and non-operated, onshore and offshore, oil and natural gas production from five producing basins across Australia and New Zealand.

Beach recognises its intrinsic role in supporting communities, by actively contributing to sustainable environments and the health, safety and wellbeing of the people living in the areas where it operates. Its community investment strategy focuses on three key areas; education, environment and health, safety and wellbeing.

Beach’s community relations team were looking for a way to capture, manage and measure its stakeholder management to gain a better level of understanding of stakeholder communications across the business. Enter Stage Left – Mipela. The team from Mipela have worked with the Beach team to deliver a stakeholder management solution to assist them with community engagement and consultation processes, with consideration made to land access requirements.

As part of the consultative process, it was also identified that the following functionality could be included in the proposed solution, using X-Info Suite:

  • Stakeholder engagement including agreements, grievances, commitments, communications, records management and reporting
  • Community investment and grants management including contracts, correspondence and reporting
  • Landholder land access including notice of entry, payments and reports.

Both teams recognised the best way to work together was to adopt a continuous improvement approach to the solution – delivering more and more functionality as the solution matures. Whilst some enhancements have been simple configuration changes to workflows, others have been major feature developments, which are now available to other Mipela clients.

Being able to create bulk emails, correspondence and SMS messages against multiple stakeholder contacts simultaneously has demonstrated a huge amount of value to the Beach community relations team. The consistency of messaging and significant reduction in time taken to issue information means the community relations team can get on with other tasks.

“We can now quickly distribute communications to a targeted list of stakeholders and have it automatically recorded as an engagement in X-Info Suite for future reporting purposes,” said Linda French, Group Manager Social Performance and Community at Beach Energy.

Recent industry highlights of regulatory reporting compliance becoming more and more important, has lead to the development of significantly improved reporting from X-Info Suite. Being able to automatically create a report that demonstrates stakeholder engagement from both detail of each email, call, text and in a tabular engagement log summary at the push of a button has been a real advancement for Beach.

“To satisfy different regulatory requirements, we must be able to provide details of our stakeholder and landholder engagement – including extracts of all emails and summaries of engagement,” said French.

“Being able to capture, then create a report that details engagement with relevant persons from a single system like X-Info Suite is a powerful tool when you are accountable to present evidence to regulators. This engagement report has saved a phenomenal amount of manual handling. I am absolutely thrilled with this new functionality,” French added.

Both teams will continue to improve on the value that X-Info Suite delivers to Beach.

APGA POG Incident database

The overarching Standard that applies to the pipeline industry in Australia is AS 2885. AS 2885 relates to design, construction, testing, operations and maintenance of gas and petroleum pipelines that operate at pressures in excess of 1050kpa.

In 2013 the APGA Pipeline Operations Group (POG) selected X-Info Suite to host the Pipeline Incident database. This database is used to record all near misses and incidents of pipelines designed and constructed in accordance with the scope of AS 2885.1 (and superseded Standards) and operated and maintained in accordance with AS 2885.3.

The work the POG members do in this space enables owners and operators to generate relevant information and, in turn, knowledge to support and strengthen the operational risk management of this network of essential infrastructure. It assists in developing mitigation strategies (such as efficient emergency and contingency procedures) and on reliability of operating system through each pipelines lifecycle at a time that is so important in the energy transition.

More information on the APGA POG Incident database is available here.

What integration with SPEAR means to Jemena

In the version 6.5 release of X-Info Connect a few months ago, we introduced an integration between X-Info Connect with the Victoria Government SPEAR System.

SPEAR is an online system that allows subdivision planning permits, certification applications and other land administration dealings to be compiled, lodged, managed, referred, approved and tracked online. Complete end to end workflows are built into SPEAR allowing applications to be lodged online with Land Use Victoria for registration.

As a Referral Authority, Jemena uses SPEAR to receive and respond to Council referrals in the planning and subdivision application process.

X-Info Connect has been configured to integrate with the SPEAR system via an API and connector to capture records of online applications for plans of subdivision.

Gail Ervine, Subdivisional Officer, Strategy & Commercial – Electrical Distribution at Jemena relies heavily on regularly receiving information to support plans of subdivision within the Jemena Electricity Distribution network using X-Info Connect.

Previously Gail would manually update this information into their subdivision solution, X-Info Connect. The information is now automatically fed into X-Info Connect from SPEAR via an API and a connector on an hourly basis or pushed import, as required. Since the release of this new functionality, reviewing subdivisions has become much more timely and efficient with automation reducing input errors.

“Not only has the time taken to manage applications reduced dramatically, there is also no room for human error or omissions.” said Gail.

Jemena plans in taking this functionality into other areas of its operations.

Stakeholder management – the answer is blowing in the wind

australian workflow process softwareVestas Australian Wind Technology – the local arm of Danish wind energy giant Vestas – recently engaged Mipela to provide a stakeholder management platform for a new wind farm project that they are developing near Walcha in NSW.  The project, known as the Winterbourne Wind Farm, has a potential capacity of 700MW which would make it the largest wind farm in Australia if it were built today.

Vestas also wanted a stakeholder management platform that could be scaled to future development projects.  Mipela implemented X-Info Suite to provide a web based solution that can manage stakeholders, property information, agreements and associated payments as well as associated communications. Users are also able to capture data in the field using the mobile data capture app, X-Info Aware.

While the conversations with landholders in the region had been underway for the past fifteen years, the engagement had been quite informal. Owner names were tracked on a simple spreadsheet and Google Earth was used for the property and asset locations. Now all information, including the historical information already captured, is available from one source in X-Info Suite and can be used for several different purposes including bulk communications, geospatially capturing data and payments.

Project Director of the Winterbourne Wind Farm, Doug Landfear said, “The team at Mipela have provided us with a best practice stakeholder management system that has the flexibility to provide us with a comprehensive solution into the future as this project matures. Their expertise and experience in delivering the solution made the process simple – we were able to start working with the software in a matter of weeks. The Mipela Solution Specialist was insanely efficient and made the project a breeze.”

One other interesting dimension is that Vestas purchased the project from Walcha Energy who is developing other renewable energy projects in the Walcha area.  Walcha Energy is also using X-Info Suite to manage its stakeholder management across these other assets.

Property Information Service made easy

Since its inception, Queensland Urban Utilities had primarily sourced its property information from Brisbane City Council’s Coreland application. On 30 June 2016, this arrangement ceased and an alternative data source was required. Queensland Urban Utilities’ area of interest covers five Councils – Brisbane, Somerset, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley and the Scenic Rim Regional Councils – and the solution needed to align the process of acquiring property data across all regions.

Queensland Urban Utilities selected Mipela to provide a suitable Property Information Service solution that would support business functions including; billing, managing customer enquiries (via the Contact Centre, mail, email and social media), maintenance operations for meter reading, and spatial analysis for asset capital works and operational planning. The objectives of the project were to reduce costs associated with acquiring property data, improve accuracy of the data, and align acquisition of the data to enable a more efficient use of data within the business.

The Property Information Service was designed using Mipela’s X-Info Connect, with X-Info WebConnect providing a browser based lookup interface for staff to reference both historical and the ongoing new data.

Property, ownership, valuation and geographic information from Department of Natural Resources and Mines is combined into a database within X-Info Connect and automatically updated daily, with the service checking each data source for any changes. This data is then automatically delivered from X-Info Connect for consumption by the business for various purposes.

The Property Information Service has been established with future requirements in mind, as additional Queensland Urban Utilities applications come to require access to property information. This cloud based solution is fully managed by Mipela, with no administrative requirements by Queensland Urban Utilities staff.

Now, large volumes of data and updates are received and automatically processed for delivery by X-Info Connect into the Property Information Service. The integrity of the data has significantly increased and there is an increased level of comfort in the data being received. Queensland Urban Utilities has provided the business with a cost saving, reliable source of property information that can be used by various areas of the business in a consumable format.

Perfect match: X-Info Connect and Maintenance Connection

First it was X-Info Maps integration with Maintenance Connection, now Mipela GeoSolutions has found the perfect addition by enabling X-Info Connect to also communicate with Maintenance Connection.

This new pairing enables users to visualise assets through embedded GIS functionality, allowing users to:

  • Automatically create WorkOrders and Assets through the mapping interface within Maintenance Connection
  • Automatically create a WorkOrder based on a trigger from X-Info Connect.


When a new DBYD Works Management request is created, a WorkOrder can be automatically generated for that request within Maintenance Connection. The resulting WorkOrder number can then be populated back to X-Info Connect and linked to Maintenance Connection to enable other automated or adhoc actions such as emailing, populating GIS files or adding communications. The request and WorkOrder can also be visualised on a map (in either X-Info Connect or Maintenance Connection) and interrogated through tools in the X-Info Maps interface.

Through this integration, workflow is improved between the two systems resulting in users having a seamless experience to achieve the business objectives of managing their assets and stakeholders.

  • Automates WorkOrder creation for Affected DBYD responses in Maintenance Connection
  • Automates status of open and closed DBYD WorkOrders back into X-Info Connect
  • Eliminates manual intervention of allocated WorkOrders to appropriate resources
  • Eliminates forwarding Affected DBYD response emails to allocated resource for interpretation
  • DBYD and associated WorkOrder statistics can be tracked and reported on.

Overall, this new workflow automation software functionality improves the automatic generation of WorkOrders rising from DBYD enquiries, or any other Works request initiating business data, and further integrates the automation between X-Info Connect, X-Info Maps and Maintenance Connection.

A word from the Boss
Taking mobile data capture to another level
In Focus
Kamapim update
#projectMAD 2024 wrap up – Brissie to Bay ride
Staff update
The importance of Multi-Factor Authentication
Product Update – X-Info Aware
A word from the Boss
Effective land management across the Gas Pipeline Victoria
It’s the stuff you don’t see that’s keeping you safe
x-infocus tips and tricks
Ampol joins our Client Community!
#projectMAD Special Invitation (14th Year) – RideWithUs!
Staff profile
I’m in a pickle
A Word from The Boss
Mipela are Proud to Protect Qeno’s Botany Assets using the Power of X-Info Assurance suite
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Product Update
Staff Updates
Ensuring Smoother User Management: Your Collaboration can Expedite the Process
SA Power Networks – Committed to Ensuring Security
‘Tis the Season
A Word From The Boss
Our cloudy outlook has never looked so rosy
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Product update
Let us in!
Staff update
Providing you that extra level of assurance
Do you have reporting fatigue?
Mipela has invaded New Zealand!
A Word From The Boss
Focus on the complex, the urgent and the sensitive
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Making light work of Safety Management Studies
Safeguarding access and data integrity – the significance of using personal credentials to log onto software
A Word from the Boss
Reporting Stakeholder Information to the Regulators
Global Excavation Safety Conference awards Australia’s Glen “Cookie” Cook as the World’s Damage Prevention Hero of the Year 2022
Adding extra assurance to your BYD automated response system
A word from The Boss
APGA POG Incident database
What integration with SPEAR means to Jemena
Sentanil product focus
A word from The Boss
A truly epic project
The true power of data automation for Jemena
Update on our process improvement Kamapim Project
A word from The Boss
Tweed Shire Council using technology to deliver value to ratepayers
Women in Pipelines Forum (APGA)
A word from the Boss
Using software to safely plant trees
How mapping retirement homes helps LendLease manage its 14,000 dwellings
Utilising Map Activities
When it rains it pours
A word from The Boss
Stakeholder management and a global wind energy company
ERA Water automates its asset protection with X-Info DBYD suite
A word from the Boss
ARTC implements X-Info DBYD suite as their automated response system
Beware the Spreadsheet
If you are breaking ground out in the field – we have you covered!
A word from the boss
When community focus is key to the success of your project
How Gladstone Area Water Board saves time processing permits using X-Info DBYD suite
Mipela delivers more efficiencies to APA Group
Helping protect Queensland assets is at the tip of your fingers
Responsive engagement, requires intuitive interactions
Managing Cultural Heritage across Barada Barna land
“The Power of Communication” – see your world from a new perspective
Ever wondered how TransLink manage their Bus Stops?
Managing contaminated land compliance
APGA moves Pipeline Engineers Competency System (PECS) to a a new platform
“Doing the right thing”
Systematising pipeline risk management
The APGA Knowledgebase has moved to a new platform
These are challenging times
Experience really counts when it comes to stakeholder management
City of Greater Dandenong implements DBYD automated response system
Some days are great, some days are good, some days are bad
Stakeholder management – the answer is blowing in the wind
Flavour of the month – renewable energy projects
3 proven ways to empower technology
Automation in Remote Regions Delivers Multiple Benefits to Council
Powering through South Australia
Bringing  together data, systems and people
There’s no watering down the importance of DBYD responses at Allwater
Tanami Gas Pipeline data integrity and materials traceability
Incident management and risk analysis of Australasia’s pipelines
Greater Shepparton City Council moves to X-Info DBYD suite
What is X-Info SMS suite?
Putting your pipeline Safety Management Study information in one place
Making Lodging DBYDs Easier
Drawing in the Power of Collaboration
Desktop GIS Analysis for Preliminary Route Selection
X-Info DBYD suite Perfect Fit for ATOM
First Gas Land Management
Managing Your Information
Managing Your Information – from beginning to end
The importance of data across the life of your assets
Mipela assist Luminous Energy in planning solar farms in Queensland
Tasmanian Irrigation
The Value of X-Info Plans Management – Zinfra
Together, we grow
X-Info Plans Management
Real time data capture and reporting in remote field environment made possible with X-Info Aware
X-Info SMS suite – Safety Management Study
Property Information Service made easy
Your competitive advantage in field service management
Remote field task management and data capture providing results for real time consumption for Veolia
TGP optimises their field workforce with mobile data capture app
More than just maps… How do we add value to your GIS?
Working together as a team towards greater success
Automated back end processes provides Gladstone Area Water Board with improved responsiveness for issuing of permits
Four steps for effective business process improvement
Field Data Conversation Efficiency
Treasure your data?
New, bold, brilliant – X-Info Aware
SEA Gas improves efficiency of land management
Reach your business potential with X-Info Aware
Perfect match: X-Info Connect and Maintenance Connection