Category Archives: Autumn 2024

A word from the Boss

“Improve Reliability”

Welcome to Autumn’s GeoSolutions News

In this edition, we are thrilled to share Gas Pipeline Victoria and Ampol’s client success stories, welcome two new Wantoks Shelley Fitzgerald and Silke Nawrocki, and three new clients Elington Village Energy, Whitehaven Coal, and Inner West Council to the extended Mipela family. Rolling in 83 days, one of our #projectMAD initiatives, aimed at bringing like-minded individuals and businesses together to Make A Difference (MAD) to those with Multiple Sclerosis by riding with us in Brissie to the Bay, whilst raising awareness and funds for MS Queensland.

It has been an exciting start to 2024 with some big projects underway. Our Kamapim continuous improvement process carries on with this year’s focus on the theme of “Alignment” (identifying capability gaps and cross-organisational dependencies). Doing so will help us create strategies for improving our cloud platform and services, ensure stakeholder alignment, and facilitate relevant organisational change management activities. Numerous industry events are happening across several states (so good to be able to see people in person) including our sustained sponsorship of the APGA New Zealand Seminar and Golf Day in New Plymouth this month. Our Digital Transformation Stage continues with the enhanced security phase of our new Modern Hosted Platform activities well underway, targeted for completion at the end of May, positioning us with the most up-to date secure, resilient and efficient platform for the X-Info suite of assurance solutions.

From all the team at Mipela GeoSolutions, stay safe!

Hayden McDonald
Founder and Managing Director

Effective land management across the Gas Pipeline Victoria

The Gas Pipeline Victoria (GPV) is part of the Solstice Energy Group. It owns and operates a 182km high pressure transmission pipeline from Carisbrook to Horsham in south west Victoria. This pipeline is integral to the supply of gas to the regional Victorian towns of Avoca, Ararat, Stawell and Horsham.

GPV operates the pipeline in accordance with a safety case as administered by Energy Safe Victoria under the Gas Industry Act, 1997. It also operates under the Australia Standard AS 2885 – the standard for high pressure pipeline systems.

Later last year, GPV and Mipela commenced a project to provide GPV with a software solution to manages its lands management reporting requirements. A system was established incorporating all land parcels along the pipeline and its easements. This system, X-Info Lands Management, provides GPV users with the ability to add communications or interactions, search land parcel engagement history and provide reports to the regulators from a secure, browser based portal. This information is also spatially represented in the portal in an interactive map activity. Field users can also enter information via a mobile data capture app called X-Info Aware. X-Info Aware is fully integrated into X-Info Lands Management so the data is entered once only. Supporting document such as Notice of Exercise, Easements and other agreements can also be created, issued and managed through the supporting workflows within X-Info Lands Management.

System Administrator and GIS Team Lead, Gillian Bennett said, “X-Info Lands Management will become a crucial part of how we manage this pipeline. As we, as a business, become more familiar with the power of X-Info Lands Management, we will continue to make enhancements to optimise our processes and align with reporting requirements. X-Info Lands Management has the flexibility to be able to support these changes and Mipela has the business processes in place to ensure this happens effectively.”

Mipela also provide a number of solutions to other parts of the Solstice Energy Group and looks forward to this ongoing business partnership.

It’s the stuff you don’t see that’s keeping you safe

There are some compelling reasons that Mipela does not provide a self serve portal for its X-Info Assurance suite clients. We provide you with additional levels of assurance so that your critical business infrastructure is being adequately protected.

We minimise the risk by providing a rigorous change management and approval process for any changes or updates to your automated response system.

We also provide traceability and history of all enquiries, not just the last 90 days. This information can be critical to resolving reinstatement issues.

Mipela clients can rest assured that consideration and measures have been put in place to ensure optimised security for critical business infrastructure asset owners.

We also provide the tools within X-Info Assurance suite to make sure you’re prepared and able to capture communications against each enquiry that may later support retrospective asset damage.

If you’d like to learn more detail on how we continue to provide our clients with more and more assurance, just contact our Client Success team.

x-infocus tips and tricks

Digital cadastral database (DCDB) data updates and managing parcels in X-Info Connect Stakeholder and Landholder Management connections

It’s important to review and update parcel data within Stakeholder or Landholder Management systems to ensure that you’ve got the most recent parcel updates or new parcels from subdivisions.

Q1: How regularly do you recommend completing a DCDB parcel update?

A1: Ultimately the frequency is up to you and if you’re able to get the data, how frequently it’s received. If we’re completing the DCDB update for you, we’d recommend every 6 – 12 months. If you’re providing the data to be updated, we can set up an update process and run it as frequently as every two weeks.

Q2: We don’t have the resources to complete a review and update of the current parcels in X-Info Connect, can Mipela help?

A2: Whether it be updating parcels you have identified to upload, or completing a full DCDB update where we review the current DCDB data against your assets and update, the Support Team at Mipela can assist.

Q3: I don’t have a specific buffer for parcels I’d like uploaded into X-Info Connect, can we review spatially against an asset to see what needs to be imported?

A3: Mipela’s Support team can prepare a list of properties to review spatially against your asset/s to see what’s currently in X-Info Connect and what needs to be added.

If you would like further information or assistance in completing a parcel update, please contact the Mipela Support Team at

Ampol joins our Client Community!

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our Mipela client group – Ampol! In the latter part of 2023, Ampol embarked on a journey to enhance their responsiveness to BYD enquiries, and we are delighted to share that they have chosen to elevate their processes with the advanced capabilities of the X-Info Assurance suite.

As the largest transport energy distributor and retailer in Australia, Ampol manages a network of assets spanning various regions in New South Wales. What sets Ampol apart is their unique approach to handling BYD inquiries. Employing a meticulous process, they ensure that every inquiry receives an immediate response and that all excavation works undergo assessment by specialised staff before commencement.

We are particularly pleased to highlight the proactive role of Dean Allison, the NSW BYDA Pipeline Supervisor at Ampol. His swift and dedicated support in transitioning to X-Info Assurance suite reflects Ampol’s commitment not only to the wellbeing of their assets but also to the safety of anyone involved in excavation activities.

Join us in extending a warm welcome to Ampol! We look forward to a collaborative and successful partnership, leveraging the capabilities of X-Info Assurance suite to enhance efficiency and safety in their operations.

#projectMAD Special Invitation (14th Year) – RideWithUs!

#projectMAD is an initiative aimed at bringing like-minded individuals and businesses together to Make A Difference (MAD) to those in need.

Rolling in 83 days is this year’s MS Queensland’s Brissie to the Bay, which marks a very special day in our calendar each year that we get to ride with an AMAZING group of people.

Mipela GeoSolutions in partnership with AWS, ISGQ, MC Global, Powered, Sentanil Systems and our Community of awesome fundraisers have chosen to again support “the ride to fight MS”. So whatever stage you’re at in your cycling obsession you can be part of the “Mipela GeoSolutions Powered by AWS Social Cycling Team”, pedalling for good and aiming to raise $15,000 for MS Qld in 2024, making a difference to the lives of those Queenslanders with multiple sclerosis.

Staff profile

Meet the Maestro: Craig Williams

Ever wondered who the wizards behind the scenes are, conjuring up the software magic that keeps your data game on point? Well, hold onto your hats, because we’re about to give you the lowdown on the rockstars of our Products Team.

This time, it’s all about Craig Williams.

The Code Guru

Picture this: 20+ years of pure dedication to the Mipela crew. This Wantok (yeah, he’s practically family) is not just any Senior Software Engineer; he’s the maestro orchestrating the symphony of code that powers our X-Info suite of products.

Craig’s got the brainpower, the creativity, and a mad love for software development. Whether it’s busting out the next big thing or being the go-to guy for killer problem-solving – Craig’s the man.

Craig’s Vibe

When he’s not rocking the keyboard, Craig’s living his best life. Picture him cutting through the water, catching the latest flicks, jet-setting around the globe, and of course, indulging in some serious chocolate therapy. It’s our way of celebrating victories, big and small.

At Mipela we’re all about the awesome folks who make our products shine, and Craig Williams is the real deal. So, buckle up, because this is just a sneak peek into the squad that’s making sure your ride with the X-Info Suite of Products is nothing short of epic.

I’m in a pickle

Have you ever gone to log in to X-Info WebConnect (or any other web application for that fact) and it just doesn’t do what you want? Here are three of the most asked questions and what you can do. Of course, you can always contact our Support team if these don’t fix the issue.

Q1: The log in page isn’t working as expected. What can I do?

A1: You can clear you cache by holding down the “Ctrl” key and then pressing the “F5” key.

When you use a browser, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues.

Q2: I could log in before but now I can’t. What can I do? I know the URL is correct.

A2: Are you on the same computer? In the same location and on the same Wi-Fi connection as you were when it last worked? If the answer to any of these is NO then the quickest way to see if it’s your network setting, is to hotspot to your mobile phone Wi-Fi. If you can now access X-Info WebConnect and log in, you will need to talk to your internal IT Team for assistance.

Q3: I can only see some of the page, and when I scroll down I can’t get to the bottom of the page. What can I do?

A3: Zoom out by holding down the “Ctrl” key and then pressing the “-“ key, each press of the “-“ key should make the page slightly smaller.

Stop zooming when you can see the scroll bar and move it down to the bottom of the screen display.

A word from the Boss
Taking mobile data capture to another level
In Focus
Kamapim update
#projectMAD 2024 wrap up – Brissie to Bay ride
Staff update
The importance of Multi-Factor Authentication
Product Update – X-Info Aware
A word from the Boss
Effective land management across the Gas Pipeline Victoria
It’s the stuff you don’t see that’s keeping you safe
x-infocus tips and tricks
Ampol joins our Client Community!
#projectMAD Special Invitation (14th Year) – RideWithUs!
Staff profile
I’m in a pickle
A Word from The Boss
Mipela are Proud to Protect Qeno’s Botany Assets using the Power of X-Info Assurance suite
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Product Update
Staff Updates
Ensuring Smoother User Management: Your Collaboration can Expedite the Process
SA Power Networks – Committed to Ensuring Security
‘Tis the Season
A Word From The Boss
Our cloudy outlook has never looked so rosy
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Product update
Let us in!
Staff update
Providing you that extra level of assurance
Do you have reporting fatigue?
Mipela has invaded New Zealand!
A Word From The Boss
Focus on the complex, the urgent and the sensitive
Update on our process improvement Kamapim project
Making light work of Safety Management Studies
Safeguarding access and data integrity – the significance of using personal credentials to log onto software
A Word from the Boss
Reporting Stakeholder Information to the Regulators
Global Excavation Safety Conference awards Australia’s Glen “Cookie” Cook as the World’s Damage Prevention Hero of the Year 2022
Adding extra assurance to your BYD automated response system
A word from The Boss
APGA POG Incident database
What integration with SPEAR means to Jemena
Sentanil product focus
A word from The Boss
A truly epic project
The true power of data automation for Jemena
Update on our process improvement Kamapim Project
A word from The Boss
Tweed Shire Council using technology to deliver value to ratepayers
Women in Pipelines Forum (APGA)
A word from the Boss
Using software to safely plant trees
How mapping retirement homes helps LendLease manage its 14,000 dwellings
Utilising Map Activities
When it rains it pours
A word from The Boss
Stakeholder management and a global wind energy company
ERA Water automates its asset protection with X-Info DBYD suite
A word from the Boss
ARTC implements X-Info DBYD suite as their automated response system
Beware the Spreadsheet
If you are breaking ground out in the field – we have you covered!
A word from the boss
When community focus is key to the success of your project
How Gladstone Area Water Board saves time processing permits using X-Info DBYD suite
Mipela delivers more efficiencies to APA Group
Helping protect Queensland assets is at the tip of your fingers
Responsive engagement, requires intuitive interactions
Managing Cultural Heritage across Barada Barna land
“The Power of Communication” – see your world from a new perspective
Ever wondered how TransLink manage their Bus Stops?
Managing contaminated land compliance
APGA moves Pipeline Engineers Competency System (PECS) to a a new platform
“Doing the right thing”
Systematising pipeline risk management
The APGA Knowledgebase has moved to a new platform
These are challenging times
Experience really counts when it comes to stakeholder management
City of Greater Dandenong implements DBYD automated response system
Some days are great, some days are good, some days are bad
Stakeholder management – the answer is blowing in the wind
Flavour of the month – renewable energy projects
3 proven ways to empower technology
Automation in Remote Regions Delivers Multiple Benefits to Council
Powering through South Australia
Bringing  together data, systems and people
There’s no watering down the importance of DBYD responses at Allwater
Tanami Gas Pipeline data integrity and materials traceability
Incident management and risk analysis of Australasia’s pipelines
Greater Shepparton City Council moves to X-Info DBYD suite
What is X-Info SMS suite?
Putting your pipeline Safety Management Study information in one place
Making Lodging DBYDs Easier
Drawing in the Power of Collaboration
Desktop GIS Analysis for Preliminary Route Selection
X-Info DBYD suite Perfect Fit for ATOM
First Gas Land Management
Managing Your Information
Managing Your Information – from beginning to end
The importance of data across the life of your assets
Mipela assist Luminous Energy in planning solar farms in Queensland
Tasmanian Irrigation
The Value of X-Info Plans Management – Zinfra
Together, we grow
X-Info Plans Management
Real time data capture and reporting in remote field environment made possible with X-Info Aware
X-Info SMS suite – Safety Management Study
Property Information Service made easy
Your competitive advantage in field service management
Remote field task management and data capture providing results for real time consumption for Veolia
TGP optimises their field workforce with mobile data capture app
More than just maps… How do we add value to your GIS?
Working together as a team towards greater success
Automated back end processes provides Gladstone Area Water Board with improved responsiveness for issuing of permits
Four steps for effective business process improvement
Field Data Conversation Efficiency
Treasure your data?
New, bold, brilliant – X-Info Aware
SEA Gas improves efficiency of land management
Reach your business potential with X-Info Aware
Perfect match: X-Info Connect and Maintenance Connection