“Transmission pipelines have long operational lives (in Australia the Roma to Brisbane is our oldest operating highpressure pipeline in excess of 49 years), the environments around them change over time as do personnel responsible for planning, designing, constructing, commissioning, operating, maintaining and decommissioning. These changes are likely to have effects on a pipeline. In the short term, change will be associated with increased construction activity and its associated risk, in the long term change may alter the risk profile of a pipeline. This is particularly true on the urban fringe of towns and cities, where population growth and housing pressures lead to increasing expansion of urban boundaries and the transformation of rural and semi-rural land into suburban and urban environments containing residential, commercial and industrial communities.”
‘Guideline for investigations of land use around pipelines to guide initial location classification under AS 2885’ (August 2014)
It is now 21 years since AS 2885.1-1997 was published with its ground breaking section SAFETY, developed to provide a methodology for the pipeline industry to demonstrate the safe design, and construction of high pressure transmission pipelines. The SAFETY process was renamed ‘SAFETY MANAGEMENT STUDY’ (SMS) in the 2007 revision of AS 2885.1. Now the greatest change guiding our way forward has been the relocation of all details of safety management to a new standard “AS2885.6 Part 6:2017 Pipeline safety management” with final comments recently submitted 10 August 2018.
Mipela GeoSolutions X-Info SMS suite is a configurable, out of the box solution to capture, manage, display and report for your AS2885 proposed and operating pipelines: